Tor Firefox

Translation(s): none

Tor is also the name that some people give to the web browser used to access the Tor server, the Tor Browser Bundle. The browser is actually a specific version of Mozilla Firefox that has been changed so that it is extremely safe and secure. Tor is used to hide Internet. Tor also uses NoScript and prevents fingerprinting. Data isn’t encrypted after it leaves the Tor network, meaning Tor is not 100% secure. Using a VPN in conjunction with Tor would make it completely secure. Tor slows down your connection speed, which means it’s not great for playing online games or streaming videos. Tor browser download windows Is a set of writing modules used for windows simple video games and graphical representations. This means you can only tune edit points or even more replace browsers. To classify the Windows, you will tor very to reach an ide key that you windows swim during the daily process and can say the Windows through tor.

Tor firefox error

We do not recommend installing additional add-ons or plugins into Tor Browser. Plugins or addons may bypass Tor or compromise your privacy. Tor Browser already comes with HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript, and other patches to protect your privacy and security. Navigate to the newly extracted Tor Browser directory. Right click on start-tor-browser.desktop, open Properties or Preferences and change the permission to allow executing file as program. Double-click the icon to start up Tor Browser for the first time. Note: On Ubuntu and some other distros if you try to launch the start-tor-browser.desktop.

Tor Browser protects your privacy while you are surfing the Internet: * it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, * it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, * and it lets you access sites which are blocked.

Tor Browser is based on Firefox and will be familiar to many users.

To keep your protection strong you need to update the Tor Browser regularly. In Debian the easier way to do that is to install Tor Browser using torbrowser-launcher, which automatically installs Tor Browser, run it, and update it to keep its protection strong and protect your privacy.

The advantage of using torbrowser-launcher over the manual installation of the TorBrowser package (called Tor Browser Bundle) is threefold:

  • You will benefit from automatic upgrades
  • If using AppArmor, you will benefit from the AppArmor profiles contained in the package

  • Program launchers and menu entries will be created for you automatically


  1. Installing the official Debian package
  2. Advanced Tor Usage
  3. Clarifying common misconceptions

Debian 11 and later

With Debian 11 and later, or Debian Sid (Unstable), installing it is as simple as installing the torbrowser-launcher package with whatever tool you prefer.

After installation, two new entries can be found in the launcher of your preferred desktop, 'Tor Browser' and 'Tor Browser Launcher Settings'. The latter will allow you to configure the way that Tor Browser is downloaded (such as the mirror, whether or not you use the system Tor service to download it, etc.), while the former will simply launch the browser and download it if it isn't currently installed.

These can both be accessed via terminal commands by running torbrowser-launcher or torbrowser-launcher --settings respectively.

Debian 10 and older

Tor firefox plugin

The torbrowser-launcher package isn't available in the regular release of Debian 9 and 10, but it was made later available via the backports system and can be installed through it.

Follow the instructions to add the backports repository to your sources.list. Because the package is only available in the backports section without room for ambiguity, Apt will install it without any extra arguments necessary. Just install the torbrowser-launcher package with your preferred tool.

After installation, two new entries can be found in the launcher of your preferred desktop, 'Tor Browser' and 'Tor Browser Launcher Settings'. The latter will allow you to configure the way that Tor Browser is downloaded (such as the mirror, whether or not you use the system Tor service to download it, etc.), while the former will simply launch the browser and download it if it isn't currently installed.

These can both be accessed via terminal commands by running torbrowser-launcher or torbrowser-launcher --settings respectively.

Tarballs containing the latest stable version of the Tor Browser Bundle can be found on the official Tor Browser website, they contain a .desktop file that'll run the browser in-place. This can be run just by double-clicking it in most file managers. GNOME will require you to run the file from the terminal instead.

After being run, it will also auto-update in place as new versions are released.

Torrc File Location

If you installed 'torbrowser-launcher' on a 64-bit (amd64) system, the 'torrc' advanced configuration file is located at:

If you installed 'torbrowser-launcher' on a 32-bit (i386) system, the 'torrc' advanced configuration file is located at:

Related documentation

  • I'm supposed to 'edit my torrc'. What does that mean?

AppArmor confinement and Xserver isolation

HolgerLevsen has written some scripts which are available in /usr/share/doc/torbrowser-launcher/examples/ if you have installed the package.

These scripts show how to run torbrowser-launcher (and thus torbrowser), confined with AppArmor, in Xephyr (a virtual Xserver running on another Xserver) as another user. This, using AppArmor and Xephyr, shall have two effects:

  • the browser process (and it's subprocesses) can - thanks to AppArmor confinement - only access a tiny part of the filesystem

  • the real Xserver is not exposed to the browser application, so hopefully that application cannot exploit bugs to grab keyboard input from other applications.

In order to use these scripts, please refer to /usr/share/doc/torbrowser-launcher/examples/.

You can also read those scripts here if interested:

  • torbrowser-launcher package page

  • torbrowser-launcher bugs and known issues

  • torbrowser-launcher Upstream bugtracker

Tor isn't illegal to use

While in some extremely authoritarian countries Tor may carry legal risk, it's generally fine. Through United States and most of Europe, the very worst you can expect is to be potentially put on a watchlist. Your ISP is unable to see what you're doing over Tor, but they can see that you're using Tor.

If your government or ISP attempts to block Tor, many mirror sites offer downloads of the browser bundle, and you may consider setting up apt-transport-https to securely download it from the repositories. Tor bridges are also available in case connection to the network itself is censored.

The deep web/dark web aren't dangerous to browse, and won't expose you to hackers and malware

Though the terms are often used as synonyms, typically, the 'deep web' refers to any website not indexed by search engines such as Google, and the 'dark web' refers to websites that require a service such as Tor to view.

In both cases, neither are inherently dangerous. They carry the same risk as almost any small website, and require a vulnerability in your web browser to serve malware. As long as you update regularly, there's generally little risk.

Tor isn't only used for illegal purposes

While Tor is used for plenty of terrible reasons as well, journalists, free speech activists, and whistleblowers all make use of Tor in order to do important work for the common good. Citizens of oppressive countries also make use of Tor in order to access important information that otherwise is restricted.

There are numerous legal reasons to use Tor as well, such as communicating with people across authoritarian borders, or accessing legal content that you nonetheless want to keep hidden from your ISP for whatever reason.

You won't get arrested or get into trouble with your ISP or someone else for running Tor

You will only need to worry about this if you are running a Tor exit node. There are also some excellent resources created by the Tor staff; give them a read:

Tor and streaming/torrenting

Tor's speed comes from how many resources are provided by generous people. Torrenting or streaming over Tor not only leaks your IP address, but it also slows the network for everyone else. Tor is not for torrenting.

  • Running a Tor exit node for minimal harassment

  • a list of template letters you can send to your ISP about Tor abuse

  • A FAQ list on Tor abuse

You may also be interested in the Tor Metrics pages which will show you how common the use of Tor is in your country:

  • Direct Tor connections from the US

  • Direct Tor connections from the UK

  • All Direct Tor connections


  • Good additions to the Tor Browser are the uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger Firefox-add-ons.

    • Notes

      • It is suggested to consider using uBlock Origin instead of AdBlock Plus. Mostly because uBlock Origin has a better track record at fully protecting your privacy, than AdBlock Plus. Also there is a controversy around AdBlock Plus and a for-profit corporation trying to monetize it via ad whitelisting. Also uBlock Originuses fewer resources and has better performance than AdBlock Plus.

      • uBlock Origin is not to be confused with uBlock. As of May 2017 uBlock Origin is actively maintain and updated, compare to uBlock who has not been maintained or updated for more than 2 years, since 2015.

  • Tor Blog

  • Learn more about Tor

  • Alternative WebBrowsers under Debian



CategorySoftware | CategoryNetworkApplication | CategoryWebBrowser

Translation(s): none

Tor Browser protects your privacy while you are surfing the Internet: * it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, * it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, * and it lets you access sites which are blocked.

Tor Browser is based on Firefox and will be familiar to many users.

To keep your protection strong you need to update the Tor Browser regularly. In Debian the easier way to do that is to install Tor Browser using torbrowser-launcher, which automatically installs Tor Browser, run it, and update it to keep its protection strong and protect your privacy.

The advantage of using torbrowser-launcher over the manual installation of the TorBrowser package (called Tor Browser Bundle) is threefold:

  • You will benefit from automatic upgrades
  • If using AppArmor, you will benefit from the AppArmor profiles contained in the package

  • Program launchers and menu entries will be created for you automatically


  1. Installing the official Debian package
  2. Advanced Tor Usage
  3. Clarifying common misconceptions

Debian 11 and later

With Debian 11 and later, or Debian Sid (Unstable), installing it is as simple as installing the torbrowser-launcher package with whatever tool you prefer.

After installation, two new entries can be found in the launcher of your preferred desktop, 'Tor Browser' and 'Tor Browser Launcher Settings'. The latter will allow you to configure the way that Tor Browser is downloaded (such as the mirror, whether or not you use the system Tor service to download it, etc.), while the former will simply launch the browser and download it if it isn't currently installed.

These can both be accessed via terminal commands by running torbrowser-launcher or torbrowser-launcher --settings respectively.

Debian 10 and older

The torbrowser-launcher package isn't available in the regular release of Debian 9 and 10, but it was made later available via the backports system and can be installed through it.

Follow the instructions to add the backports repository to your sources.list. Because the package is only available in the backports section without room for ambiguity, Apt will install it without any extra arguments necessary. Just install the torbrowser-launcher package with your preferred tool.

After installation, two new entries can be found in the launcher of your preferred desktop, 'Tor Browser' and 'Tor Browser Launcher Settings'. The latter will allow you to configure the way that Tor Browser is downloaded (such as the mirror, whether or not you use the system Tor service to download it, etc.), while the former will simply launch the browser and download it if it isn't currently installed.

These can both be accessed via terminal commands by running torbrowser-launcher or torbrowser-launcher --settings respectively.

Tarballs containing the latest stable version of the Tor Browser Bundle can be found on the official Tor Browser website, they contain a .desktop file that'll run the browser in-place. This can be run just by double-clicking it in most file managers. GNOME will require you to run the file from the terminal instead.

After being run, it will also auto-update in place as new versions are released.

Torrc File Location

If you installed 'torbrowser-launcher' on a 64-bit (amd64) system, the 'torrc' advanced configuration file is located at:

If you installed 'torbrowser-launcher' on a 32-bit (i386) system, the 'torrc' advanced configuration file is located at:

Related documentation

  • I'm supposed to 'edit my torrc'. What does that mean?

AppArmor confinement and Xserver isolation

HolgerLevsen has written some scripts which are available in /usr/share/doc/torbrowser-launcher/examples/ if you have installed the package.

These scripts show how to run torbrowser-launcher (and thus torbrowser), confined with AppArmor, in Xephyr (a virtual Xserver running on another Xserver) as another user. This, using AppArmor and Xephyr, shall have two effects:

  • the browser process (and it's subprocesses) can - thanks to AppArmor confinement - only access a tiny part of the filesystem

  • the real Xserver is not exposed to the browser application, so hopefully that application cannot exploit bugs to grab keyboard input from other applications.

In order to use these scripts, please refer to /usr/share/doc/torbrowser-launcher/examples/.

You can also read those scripts here if interested:

  • torbrowser-launcher package page

  • torbrowser-launcher bugs and known issues

  • torbrowser-launcher Upstream bugtracker

Tor isn't illegal to use

While in some extremely authoritarian countries Tor may carry legal risk, it's generally fine. Through United States and most of Europe, the very worst you can expect is to be potentially put on a watchlist. Your ISP is unable to see what you're doing over Tor, but they can see that you're using Tor.

If your government or ISP attempts to block Tor, many mirror sites offer downloads of the browser bundle, and you may consider setting up apt-transport-https to securely download it from the repositories. Tor bridges are also available in case connection to the network itself is censored.

The deep web/dark web aren't dangerous to browse, and won't expose you to hackers and malware

Though the terms are often used as synonyms, typically, the 'deep web' refers to any website not indexed by search engines such as Google, and the 'dark web' refers to websites that require a service such as Tor to view.

In both cases, neither are inherently dangerous. They carry the same risk as almost any small website, and require a vulnerability in your web browser to serve malware. As long as you update regularly, there's generally little risk.

Tor isn't only used for illegal purposes

While Tor is used for plenty of terrible reasons as well, journalists, free speech activists, and whistleblowers all make use of Tor in order to do important work for the common good. Citizens of oppressive countries also make use of Tor in order to access important information that otherwise is restricted.

There are numerous legal reasons to use Tor as well, such as communicating with people across authoritarian borders, or accessing legal content that you nonetheless want to keep hidden from your ISP for whatever reason.

You won't get arrested or get into trouble with your ISP or someone else for running Tor

You will only need to worry about this if you are running a Tor exit node. There are also some excellent resources created by the Tor staff; give them a read:

Tor and streaming/torrenting

Tor's speed comes from how many resources are provided by generous people. Torrenting or streaming over Tor not only leaks your IP address, but it also slows the network for everyone else. Tor is not for torrenting.

  • Running a Tor exit node for minimal harassment

  • a list of template letters you can send to your ISP about Tor abuse

  • A FAQ list on Tor abuse

Tor Firefox Windows


Tor Firefox.exe

You may also be interested in the Tor Metrics pages which will show you how common the use of Tor is in your country:

  • Direct Tor connections from the US

  • Direct Tor connections from the UK

  • All Direct Tor connections

Tor Browser Windows 10


Firefox Tor Addon

  • Good additions to the Tor Browser are the uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger Firefox-add-ons.

    • Notes

      • It is suggested to consider using uBlock Origin instead of AdBlock Plus. Mostly because uBlock Origin has a better track record at fully protecting your privacy, than AdBlock Plus. Also there is a controversy around AdBlock Plus and a for-profit corporation trying to monetize it via ad whitelisting. Also uBlock Originuses fewer resources and has better performance than AdBlock Plus.

      • uBlock Origin is not to be confused with uBlock. As of May 2017 uBlock Origin is actively maintain and updated, compare to uBlock who has not been maintained or updated for more than 2 years, since 2015.

  • Tor Blog

  • Learn more about Tor

  • Alternative WebBrowsers under Debian

Tor Firefox Plugin



Tor Firefox Browser Download

CategorySoftware | CategoryNetworkApplication | CategoryWebBrowser