In LayOut, layers enable you to control the entities on your document pages as follows:
- Shared or nonshared: Regular layers don't share entities among pages, but shared layers do.
- Draw order: Entities on a top layer are displayed over top of entities on a lower layer.
- Visibility: A layer (and thus its entities) can be visible or hidden.
- Locked or unlocked state: You can't accidentally (or intentionally) edit a layer's entities if the layer is locked.
You create, navigate, and manage layers on the Layers panel, shown in the following figure (as the panel appears in Microsoft Windows). To open the Layers panel, click its name in the panel tray or, if it’s not on-screen, select Window > Layers. In the far-right column, a single-page icon indicates a regular layer; a four-page icon indicates a shared layer.
In the sections that follow, find out how to create and navigate among a LayOut document’s layers and use all the features in the Layers panel.
Table of Contents
Understanding regular and shared layers
In Layout, regular layers (also called nonshared layers) enable you to control the visibility of document content. For example, if you want to separate text from SketchUp model entities, you can place each type of entity on its own layer. If you’re using regular layers, you just need to remember to create or move each entity type to its respective layer on every page.
Sketchpad: Free online drawing application for all ages. Create digital artwork to share online and export to popular image formats JPEG, PNG, SVG, and PDF. Layers can have their own blending mode and opacity settings. These are applied to every pixel in the layer. Other layer options include whether a layer is currently visible or invisible (hidden). Layer Window Icons New Layer. This adds a new, completely transparent layer to the image immediately above the active layer. Use layers to organize the various elements in your LayOut document, and use pages to organize your entire presentation. In this video we cover how to work w.
Shared layers display content on every page. When you need to display a logo, title, or other element on every page of your document, put it on a shared layer and you need to place the element only once.
Creating and deleting layers
When you create a layer, you have access to the layer on every page in your LayOut document, including new pages that you add. To create a new regular or shared layer, follow these steps:
- In the Layers panel, click the Add New Layer button (the plus sign). A new, regular layer appears in the Layer’s panel’s list of layers, and becomes the active layer, which the red pencil icon indicates.
- Double-click the new layer’s name to open the name for editing or select it and press Enter, as shown in the following figure (as the panel appears in Mac OS X).
- Type a name for the layer and press Enter. For example, if you want the layer to hold all the headings at the top, Heading is an intuitive name.
- (Optional) To make the layer a shared layer, click the single-page icon in the layer’s far right column, and the icon changes to a four-page icon, indicating a shared layer.
If you ever need to delete a layer, select the layer in the Layers panel and click the Delete Selected Layer icon (the minus sign).
Adding or moving content to a layer
Until you select a different layer, all the content you add to a LayOut document appears on the Default layer. When you select a layer in the Layers panel, it becomes the active layer, and content is added to that layer instead.
To move any entity to a different layer, follow these steps:
- In the Layers panel, select the layer that you want to contain the entities. This layer becomes the active layer.
- With the Select tool (), select the entities that you want to move. In the Layers panel, a blue dot appears next to the selected content’s current layer.
- Context-click your selection, and choose Move to Current Layer on the menu that appears. The entities now appear on the active layer.
- Context-click your selection, hover over Move to Layer on the menu that appears, and select Current from the flyout menu. Alternatively, you can select any unlocked layer from the flyout menu. If you use this option, you don’t have to select the layer first, as noted in Step 1. The entities now appear on the layer you selected.
If a group is selected during the move command, all entities within that group will be moved to the same layer as well.
Toggling visibility and locking layers
When you organize content on a layer, you can toggle the content’s visibility or lock entities on a layer.
- To toggle a layer’s visibility, click the Visibility icon (the eye). When a layer isn’t visible, the Visibility icon is gray instead of black. Click the Visibility icon again to see the layer’s contents. Whether a layer is a regular or shared layer, the visibility setting applies only to the current page. So, for example, you can use a shared layer to display an entity on every page except a cover page by changing the visibility only on the cover page.
- To lock a layer so its contents can’t be edited, click the Lock icon. When a layer is locked, its padlock icon is closed. Click the Lock icon again to unlock the layer and open the padlock. Whether you lock a regular or a shared layer, the layer becomes locked on every page.
Changing a layer’s type
You can change a regular layer to a shared layer, or vice versa.
- When a regular layer becomes a shared layer, you're asked to choose whether the layer contains entities on multiple pages: You can include only the entities from the current page, or collect entities from all pages. To perform this magic, simply click the layer’s single-page icon in the far right column of the Layers panel. The icon changes to a four-page icon, which indicates a shared layer, and the layer’s content appears on every page.
- When a shared layer becomes a regular layer, you have to decide how you want the change to affect the layer’s contents. To put the transformation in motion, click the shared layer’s four-page icon. In the dialog box that appears, select Keep Contents on This Page Only or Copy Contents to All Pages and click the Apply button.
The Layers tab provides quick access to layers
Go to View > Tabs > Layers or press ALT+Y to show the Layers tab.
The image below shows an example of the Layers tab of a layered PDF:
Layers with child layers will have a toggle triangle to the left of their names. Click this triangle to expand or collapse the list of child layers.
To show or hide a layer, click the box to the left of the layer's name to toggle its visibility. A layer with
To show or hide a parent layer and all its child layers at the same time,
To show only one layer,
See Using Layer Visibility for more information.
Click and drag a layer to move it to a new location in the layers list.
Adds a new, blank layer to the PDF. By default, the new layer is positioned immediately after the layer that is currently selected; if no layer is currently selected, the new layer is positioned at the end of the layers list. Click the triangle to the right of the button to choose a different position for the new layer:
- Add Before: Creates a new layer before the selected layer.
- Add After; Creates a new layer after the selected layer (default).
- Add Child: Creates a new layer as a child of the selected layer.
Adds a layer to the PDF from the content of a source PDF. By default, the new layer is positioned immediately after the layer that is currently selected; if no layer is currently selected, the new layer is positioned at the end of the layers list. Click the triangle to the right of the button to choose a different position for the new layer:
- Add Before: Creates a new layer before the selected layer.
- Add After; Creates a new layer after the selected layer (default).
- Add Child: Creates a new layer as a child of the selected layer.
See Adding Layers to a PDF: Creating or Importing Layers from a PDF for more information.
Opens the Delete Layer dialog box to delete the selected layer and its children, if applicable.
Configuration listShows the current configuration. Select a configuration from the dropdown menu to switch to it.
Save ConfigurationSaves the current visibility settings to the selected configuration. Click the triangle to the right of the button for additional options:
New Configuration: Saves the current visibility settings to a new configuration.
Delete Configuration: Deletes the selected configuration.
OptionsThis menu contains additional options for setting the visibility of layers.
Expand All: Expands all of the trees in the layers.
Collapse All: Collapses all of the layers with children.
Reset All Layers: Resets the display of layers to the selected configuration.
Show Print Layers: Sets to visible only the layers that have Print Usage set to On in the layer properties.
Show Export Layers: Sets to visible only the layers that have Export Usage set to On in the layer properties.
Show All Layers: Sets all layers to visible.
Show Layers on Page Only: Hide the layer names that are not on the current page.
Show Layers Alphabetically: Sort the top level layers alphabetically.
Context MenuThe following options are available in the context menu of a selected layer (
Show Layer: Toggle to display or hide current layer or layers.
Isolate: Display this layer and its children, and hide all other layers.
Show All: Display all layers.
Markup Layer: Sets the selected layer as the Markup Layer. New markups will be created on this layer. The markup icon displays after the layer name.
Add Layer from Page: Creates a new layer from another PDF file. Works exactly as the Add Layer from Page button.
Add New Layer: Creates a blank layer. Works exactly as the Add Layer button.
New Layer Group: Creates an item in the layer list that is not a layer. This is primarily an organizational tool. Layer groups are recognizable by the fact that they do not have a toggle box to the left of their names.
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Delete: Works exactly as the Delete Layer button.
Export Layer to Page: Exports the selected layer or layers to a PDF. If a layer has children, they are also exported. If a selected layer is not currently displayed, the layer will export without the content.
Import Layer from Page: Imports a PDF content and its layers. The Import Layer dialog appears.
Flatten Markups: Flatten all markups to the selected layer. The Flatten Markups dialog appears with Assign Layer and the selected layer pre-selected. The default is that the markups will be flattened to their existing layer.
Unflatten Markups: Unflattens markups that have previously been flattened.
Layer Properties: Opens the Layer Properties dialog box to control the settings of a layer.
Title: The name of the layer. Does not appear if multiple layers were selected.
Default State: Set the default display state when the PDF is opened.
Lock: The title and default state cannot be changed from the layers list while this is checked. A will appear before the layer name when it is locked.
View: Sets whether a layer will be shown (On) or hidden (Off).
Print: Sets whether a layer will be included in when the PDF is printed.
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Export: Sets whether a layer will be included in an export when using Export Layer to Page.
Zoom: Sets whether the contents of a layer are always visible or are only visible when the user zooms in (or out) within a defined range. To enable, select On when in range and then define a zoom range. The contents of this layer will only appear when the display zoom is within this range.
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Note: Selecting Layer Properties when multiple layers are selected allows you to control common settings among the selected layers in one action.